USB-SD-Mux: EMC Testing
Today Jonas and I went to our EMC testing lab to continue the measurements needed to certify electromagnetic compatibility for the USB-SD-Mux.
To make it short: It has passed the radiation tests. In the end we found out that it wasn't the USB-SD-Mux itself that caused us a lot of headache. We are now quite confident that most radiation was caused by the system we used to stimulate the USB-SD-Mux. In the end we had the stimulation-box (containing a Beagle Bone Black) hidden behind multiple absorber-panels beneath the measurement table. This way we were able to dampen enough noise to pass tests. It seems for our next measurements we need to find something other than a Beagle Bone Black for that.
This brings us a lot closer to finally bring the USB-SD-Mux to you. But testing is not completely done: Next step is to pass the RF-immunity tests. We keep our fingers crossed!

Wideband antennae in the measurement chamber. It's surprisingly dark in there.

This box contains the Beagle Bone Black we used to stimulate our devices under test. Hidden behind a lot of absorbers we were finally able to suppress most of it's noise.

The USB-SD-Mux has evolved since our last blog post. During the test we used one USB-SD-Mux as a card reader and the other as a multiplexer. This way we have control about the card reader and can test both modes in one measurement.

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