Pengutronix at Open Source Summit Europe and Embedded Linux Conference Europe

The Embedded Linux Conference Europe is Pengutronix' most important conference of the year. It is a good place to meet new faces in the embedded community, discuss current topics and future developments with maintainers and developers - and of course: have a beer with old friends. As usual, many Pengutronix colleagues will attend: this year we'll have a 14 person team on site. So watch out for our T-shirts and hoodies and and feel free to chat with us.

This year ELCE is part of the bigger Open Source Summit Europe , again. The OSSummit will be held in Vienna on 16. to 18. September 2024.

Our Talks

As usual, Pengutronix contributes some talks to the schedule:

Rouven: Practical Application of Verified Boot

📅 Date: Monday, 16.09.2024
🕒 Time: 16:20-17:00 (CEST)
📍 Location: Room 0.14 (Level 0)

More and more applications of embedded linux systems require them to ensure that only trusted software is started on the device. This means that verified boot procedures need to be employed to verify the software running on the device. This talk will highlight the necessary components to cryptographically verify the bootloader, kernel and filesystem. It will also show how these components can be integrated using the OpenEmbedded build system. Bootloader verification will be covered by providing examples to use the signing.bbclass in Yocto in conjunction with the NXP CST tool to sign a bootloader, kernel verification is covered by a to be upstreamed fitimage class and filesystem verification will be shown with a dm-verity class example for Yocto. Additionally the talk will highlight common pitfalls when deploying locked down embedded systems encountered during project work. We will also cover the case of using GPLv3 licenses on locked down devices.

Rouven and Jan: BoF: Automated Testing & Board Farming

📅 Date: Tuesday, 17.09.2024
🕒 Time: 13:00-13:40 (CEST)
📍 Location: Room 0.14 (Level 0)

In face of the strict requirements of the CRA legislation on the horizon for EU markets, one of the key techniques to rapidly test new software releases is an automated testing setup. This session wants to collect the current state of the automated testing landscape and discuss current development directions, tools and projects. We will provide a quick summary of current projects in the space and than have a quick vote on which topics to discuss. Thereafter we encourage discussion between the audience members.

Ahmad: Taming DMA: Tales Wrestling Memory Corruption

📅 Date: Tuesday, 17.09.2024
🕒 Time: 16:55-17:35 (CEST)
📍 Location: Room 0.14 (Level 0)

Direct Memory Access frees up the CPU for other important work, while devices read and write data in the background. This is as good as it sounds and most embedded systems make ample use of this; for good sound and otherwise. On the flip side, incorrectly configured DMA and the creeping memory corruption that results can decidedly be more unpleasant than the possible slow-down of using PIO.

Ahmad's bootloader and kernel escapades have not been spared from the wrath of DMA masters. In this talk, he will share tales of his debugging campaigns and how tracking down memory corruption led him to learn, one bug at a time, more about the internals of Linux' and barebox' DMA API, ARM cache maintenance and the limitations of DMA controllers.

Miniconferene: NetConf

As usual, there are a host of smaller conferences in parallel to the OSSummit. One of which is the NetConf (not to be confused with the NetDevConf). The NetConf is a small gathering of network subsystem maintainers. From Penguronix, Marc Kleine-Budde and Oleksij Rempel will attend.

Weiterführende Links

Pengutronix auf den Chemnitzer Linux Tagen 2025

Wir freuen uns, auch in diesem Jahr bei den Chemnitzer Linux Tagen dabei sein zu können. Wie jedes Jahr sind die CLT eine willkommene Gelegenheit, Freunde zu treffen und sich über Linux, Open Source und den Rest der Welt auszutauschen. Auch in diesem Jahr stellen wir uns mit einem eigenen Stand vor und freuen uns, vier Vorträge zum Vortragsprogramm beitragen zu können.

Pengutronix auf der embedded world 2025

Treffen Sie uns auf der embedded world 2025 in Nürnberg! Sie finden uns wieder in Halle 4, Stand 4-261. Wie üblich zeigen wir auf unserem Messestand Demonstratoren zu aktuellen Themen. Darüber hinaus laden wir in diesem Jahr wieder zum RAUC- und Labgrid-Community-Meetup ein und tragen mit einem Talk über den Einsatz von Labgrid Integrationstests zur embedded world Conference bei.

Pengutronix bei der Embedded Testing 2025

Unser Spin-Off Linux Automation ist in diesem Jahr Aussteller auf der Embedded Testing und ist dort sowohl mit einem Stand als auch mit einem Vortrag dabei. Für Pengutronix als Dienstleister für Embedded-Geräte in verschiedenen Industriebereichen ist Testing selbstverständlich. Dies kann in der Form von Tests in den jeweiligen Upstream-Projekten oder in der Form von Integrationstests eines vollständigen Embedded-Linux-Systems auf der Kunden-Hardware geschehen.

Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2023: Our Recommendations

Last month Pengutronix was present at the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS) in Prague. Thanks to all to all speakers for sharing your knowledge! In this blog post we want to shine a spotlight at a few talks that we found especially interesting. (Links to recordings will be added once the recordings are available.)

Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2023: Our Contributions

This year the Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE) is back in Prague! Pengutronix, again, is on a field trip with 15 colleges to attend the conference. The ELCE is one of the big conferences where the Embedded Linux Community meets during the year. This time the ELCE is part of the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS): a new conference with only embedded topics and without cloud- or crypto-tracks.

rsc's Diary: ELC-E 2022 - Tag 4

Freitag war der letzte Tag der ELC-E 2022 und somit auch der Tag des traditionellen ELC-E Closing Games. Tim Bird berichtete gewohnt kurzweilig über den aktuellen Stand der Embedded Linux World (Universe?) Domination. Und natürlich gab es auch am letzten Tag einige interessante Vorträge.