candleLight FD - Open Hardware USB-to-CAN-FD interface
This week Linux Automation has released a CAN-FD version of the low-cost USB-to-CAN interface candleLight: the candleLight FD. And as the candleLight the candleLight FD is Open Hardware. Check the KiCad project on Github.
LXA USB-T1L ❤️ Beagle Play: Exploring Single Wire Ethernet
It seems everybody is talking about Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) these days. So we want to follow the trend and do the same :-) SPE is a class of Ethernet transmission standards that uses just a single pair of twisted pair cable for data transmission. There are multiple SPE variants spanning maximum data rates from a hand full MBit/s to multiple GBit/s and cable lengths from a hand full of meters to kilometers. The most interesting ones from our embedded-centric point of view are 10Base-T1L (point-to-point, up to 1 km), 10Base-T1S (multidrop, approx. 10 m) and 100Base-T1 (point-to-point, 15 m). The new Beagle Play comes with a 10Base-T1L PHY. This makes it a great peer to experiment with our Linux Automation USB-T1L. In this post we will explore the possibilities of 10Base-T1L on a recent Linux system.
FrOSCon 2023
In a few hours, the 18th FrOSCon will begin at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Pengutronix will be there again with a small team. At one of the partner booths we will show some of our activities in the open source community. We will bring our labgrid demonstrator and the FPGA demo.
[Podcast] Kernel Panic - Board on Fire ~~> #006: Der Browser im Fahrkartenautomaten - Webtechnologie trifft Embedded-GUIs
In dieser Folge erzählt Bastian Krause uns warum man öfter als man vielleicht denkt Webbrowser auf Embeddedgeräten vorfindet und was die verwendeten Browser von normalen Desktopbrowsern unterscheidet. Außerdem reden wir über Browserengines im Allgemeinen und auch ein bisschen über automatisiertes Testing von Webapplikationen.
Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2023: Our Recommendations
Last month Pengutronix was present at the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS) in Prague. Thanks to all to all speakers for sharing your knowledge! In this blog post we want to shine a spotlight at a few talks that we found especially interesting. (Links to recordings will be added once the recordings are available.)
RAUC v1.10 Released
Just in time for the EOSS 2023 in Prague, we have released v1.10 of RAUC. Just-in-time means the release was actually finalized by Jan Lübbe in the train to Prague (like I finally wrote the majority of this blog post on the train back).
Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2023: Our Contributions
This year the Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE) is back in Prague! Pengutronix, again, is on a field trip with 15 colleges to attend the conference. The ELCE is one of the big conferences where the Embedded Linux Community meets during the year. This time the ELCE is part of the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS): a new conference with only embedded topics and without cloud- or crypto-tracks.
[Podcast] Kernel Panic - Board on Fire ~~> #005: Time Sensitive Networking - Was wann wo wieso?
In dieser Folge erzählt Johannes Zink uns was was Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) und das Precision Time Protocol (PTP) sind und warum sie zum Beispiel für Industrieanlagen und Bühnentechnik so wichtig sind.
DjangoCon Europe 2023
Django is Pengutronix' framework of choice for internal applications that handle our business processes. These internal tools are also a great opportunity to try out current developments in the Django universe.
[Podcast] Kernel Panic - Board on Fire ~~> #004: OP-TEE und TrustZone - Geheimnisträger in der CPU
In dieser Folge erzählt Rouven Czerwinski uns was OP-TEE ist, was es mit ARM TrustZone zu tun hat und wie beides zusammen arbeitet um Geheimnisse in einem Prozessor abzulegen.